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S & S Water Delivery

In 2017 there was a fire at the Koh Tao tip which created a lot of smoke and pollutants, mainly from plastic bottles. This prompted two long term locals, Shane Cowtan and Steve Williams,  to rethink the way drinking water on Koh Tao is managed. Their goal was to come up with a more environmentally friendly solution. To get people to be more conscious in their drinking habits, and vastly reduce single-use plastic consumption. Thus, S & S Water Delivery was born…

Glass Bottles

S&S Water uses glass bottles, which is a great way to get drinking water on Koh Tao but without having to buy any plastic. Crates of regular drinking water and soda water are available. Each crate has 24 bottles, and delivery is available around the island. The service is used by businesses and individuals alike, and the logistics are easy. Simply pay a deposit for your first order to cover the crates, bottles, and contents. Then get drinking! Once you are running low, just call S & S, and they’ll come and switch your empty crates for full ones. Easy! 

S & S Work in partnership with the Singha factory in Chumphon. Their first trial order for drinking water on Koh Tao was just 60 crates. These days they move around 700 crates per month. A little basic math on this shows how incredible the results are :

  • 700 crates x 24 bottles = a saving of 16,800 plastic bottles per month 
  • 16,800 x 12 = 201,600 less plastic bottles polluting our environment every year
  • 201,600 x 3 = Over 600,000 plastic bottle sales that have been avoided since S & S water began operating
  • Deposit for each crate & bottle set (refundable when you leave): 200THB
  • Steep or steps surcharge: 25THB per crate. This accounts for the extra labour involved in getting your water crates up steep hills or climbing many steps to your bungalow. The entire surcharge fee goes directly to the delivery driver for their additional efforts. 
  • Drinking water refills: 140THB for 24 bottles
  • Soda water refills: 210THB for 24 bottles

As an additional bonus, S & S deliver a hessian bag along with your Koh Tao drinking water. You can fill this with all of your recyclable items, and when they come to collect your empties, they will also take your recycling for proper compaction, packaging, and disposal. 

If you’d like to order your Koh Tao drinking water from S & S, you can contact them through the S & S Water Facebook Page, or call:

Thai – 085 791 4610
English – 092 323 7545